Our latest stories as reported by the press, world-wide

An interview with Professor Emily Nason, Director of Undergraduate Recruitment and Admissions and Associate Professor of Business Education.
Business Review
HKUST introduced the first "AI Lecturers" in Asia, who have been assigned to teach a portion of "Social Media for Creatives" this semester, a cross-campus course available to students from HKUST and HKUST(GZ).
A feature interview for the International Women's Day, P Prof. Nancy IP – as the first female President of HKUST and the only female among the presidents of the eight UGC-funded universities in HK.
In a feature interview, Provost Prof. GUO Yike discussed the development of AI and the vision for its future.
A column article by SBM Senior Assoc. Dean Prof. HUI Kai-Lung and SBM Center for Business and Social Analytics Asst. Manager Wern NGO shared their views on the measures that HK can take to enhance its attractiveness to tourists.
P Prof. Nancy IP, an HK deputy to the NPC, shared her views on this year's Government Work Report.
HKUST Business School and Wisers recently held a data analysis challenge. A joint team of HKUST and CityU won the championship.
A feature interview with Prof. Emily NASON, Director of URAO talking about the recruitment of international students.
Researchers from HKUST and Southern University of Science and Technology have proposed a multimodal dataset called GITQA which combines textual and visual information for graph reasoning tasks in the development of Large Language Models (LLMs).
P Prof. Nancy IP, an HK deputy to the NPC, said in an interview that she will raise proposals related to the development of life and health science at this year’s two sessions.
A post report by Nature on the International AI Cooperation and Governance Forum co-hosted by HKUST and Tsinghua University.
A joint study led by HKUST and HKU on DNA replication initiation has been selected as one of the Top 10 Scientific Advances in China for 2023, making it the only research project from HK to be included in the list.
BNN Breaking
In welcoming the Budget, P Prof. Nancy IP said HKUST appreciates the forward-looking measures, which will attract more talent and capital while instilling strong confidence in the future development of HK.
An article about the two tools jointly launched by HKUST and the Green and Sustainable Finance Cross-Agency Steering Group to support the calculation and estimation of greenhouse gas emissions.
In an HKSTP advertorial, ISD/ECE Prof. TSUI Chi-Ying, Associate Director of the AI Chip Center for Emerging Smart Systems (ACCESS), discussed the opportunities within the local microelectronics industry and the current trends in the application and development of AI chips.
ECON/SOSC Chair Prof. Albert Francis PARK was interviewed about the relationship between Chinese economics and the globe.
HKUST is planning a third medical school and has already set up a planning committee to steer the proposal.
PHYS UG student and Olympic table tennis medalist Minnie SOO shared her experience in language learning.
Now 新聞
Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (HKUST) offers first-rate education and scholarship opportunities to attract excellent students in the UAE.
A column article by ISD Adjunct Prof. Erwin HUANG on how his team developed an AI chatbot to improve the mental health of individuals in need.